
Should I blog?

A great question to ask… before you start…

The most common reason I hear from people who don’t want to blog is that they are not “internet savvy”

I tend to disagree with that assessment… blogging is not for computer geeks… but more for writing and communication nerds…

I was never much of a writer… but I love to talk and tell stories… occasionally I’ll tell stories to myself out on the porch at night and I’ll have a good laugh… now I talk to the keyboard and let the blog tell the stories… it seems to work… at least my mom and her quilting friends dig my blog…

Blogging has become a release… like running… I get happy writing endorphins… our first year in Uganda I often felt lonely and isolated… which lead to many late nights… I found that by communicating my thoughts and experience through the blog it made people back at home feel a part of our journey in the jungle… which in turn taught them how to join us and support us through triumphs and trials in the third world… it was a win-win for everyone…

So… should you blog?

… maybe…

Can you tell a story?

Can you paint a picture with words?

Can you fit a story into a readers digest piece instead of a war and peace monologue?

Do you take pictures that people back home will want to see?

Then blogging is for you…

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