
Toward Better Communication

As team BloggerHope, we desire to help you become an effective communicator. The communication process involves much more than an aesthetically pleasing web blog which attracts large numbers of readers. It begins with purpose. You must choose intentionality. A blog should not exist for you to throw up hasty, unplanned verbiage for the world to see. A blog, just like a video, podcast, phone call, email, letter, brochure or television show, can only carry communication.

You must choose the best vehicle for your communication depending on the purpose you seek to fulfill. (This might mean creating a different photoblog only for the grandparents rather than uploading unrelated pictures of your children along with your post about the economic state of your country.) By using the best form of communication to fit your purpose, you will greatly increase your effectiveness.

Then you should evaluate all the resources at your disposal. Remember to include people. In humility, recognize your need for help and then ask for it. Dig out those old English composition notes. Invest in a style manual. Listen to a lecture on different types of communication. Perhaps this seems too involved and overwhelming. You might think, “I don’t have time to do all of that.” If you truly do not have time to put toward developing your knowledge, then you do not have time to blog or podcast. But maybe the issue stems more from the fact that I have broken your expectations of an instantly gratifying support raising strategy.

I do not want to dissuade you from blogging. Blogs are extremely effective communication venues. I want to dissuade you from using the effect tool in a very ineffective way. You can learn how to get the most out of different communication pieces. We can help by teaching you what we know.

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